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The dotwork gallery.

With the beat of mother earth
We are here to live in harmony with the nature. No one in superior. Nature gives us so much, provides us
with food, water, life. Nature nurtures our soul. So we should always remember to respect, because that
mother takes always care of us. Lets take care of her too.
Ink pen, paper, 14x20cm. 2024.
with food, water, life. Nature nurtures our soul. So we should always remember to respect, because that
mother takes always care of us. Lets take care of her too.
Ink pen, paper, 14x20cm. 2024.

Life is a spiral
"Life is a spiral" represents, as the name indicates, how our life can be seen as a spiral. As time passes, we might find ourselves in re-occuring patterns, question is are we able to break that pattern and grow, make a change? Can you relate to this?
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.

Somos Uno
The image represents the oneness that we all are and all are connected to. We are nature. We are one.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.

The "Awakening" design represents an individuals journey through life where at a point you reach a stage where you feel a strong connection to your true higher self and through that connection feel you are one, in this cosmic oneness.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.

The way of the heart
Ink pen, paper, 14x20cm. 2024.

The inner wisdom
Ink pen, paper, 14x20cm. 2024.

The Fool
"The Fool" design represents the connection we as individuals may feel to one another or to all around us. In life, we are supported and lifted by certain persons in certain situations. Giving the balance for both,
Rooted to the earth, lifted to the skies.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
Rooted to the earth, lifted to the skies.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.

Chaos of the mind
The "Chaos of the mind" design represent an individuals mind at certain times in our life. So many thought occupies us that we are not able to connect to almost anything and we are in the viscous trap of our thoughts. Our thought becomes like a snake disconnecting us from our true purpose. But all for a reason, and just for a certain moment of time.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.

The sun (the masculine)
"The Sun (masculine)" design is a representation of the masculine energy in our universe. The sun has been characterized to masculine energy, while the moon to feminine. The design came to life after me realizing I usually was drawing images with feminine characteristics. However, as human individuals we always have both sides in us, feminine and masculine however we identify ourselves as. That is part of the balance, the yin and the yang, the sun and the moon.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.

The moon (the feminine)
The Feminine drawing is a representation of the feminine energy in us. The moon is also seen as the feminine.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.

The cosmic partners
The "Cosmic partners" represents individuals personal growth journeys. When we as individuals have done the work of personal growth to a certain level, the relationship with a partner can be fully unconditional, complete understanding of the other, free from attachment and continuing to grow.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.

The “Miracle” represent how we are given a life purpose and way already before we are born. During our lifetime we might or might not identify that true life purpose, but when we do, we know in our heart it is what we are supposed to do, its the way we are supposed to go. We feel well, even though it is not always the easy way or easy to live up to that purpose due to the constructions and frameworks set up by society.
Our life-story is pre-written, when we follow the "call" the guidance and wisdom of our heart, we live the life designed for us. We can try to live our life by our ego (what I want) and still think that it is our way, but for our soul it is difficult and painful and we fill our life with clutter in form of material , social media, food... When we choose the way of our heart , what is already chosen for us, we feel more free, happy, we release karmic depth from our past.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
Our life-story is pre-written, when we follow the "call" the guidance and wisdom of our heart, we live the life designed for us. We can try to live our life by our ego (what I want) and still think that it is our way, but for our soul it is difficult and painful and we fill our life with clutter in form of material , social media, food... When we choose the way of our heart , what is already chosen for us, we feel more free, happy, we release karmic depth from our past.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.

The spirit
"The spirit" design is representing a spirit guide which we have present in our life, most likely all of the time if we really tune in to that frequency and can feel it. As in the image, the heart is the true guide and the spirit is showing us that by blowing the image of a heart. Trust your heart!
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.

“Patience” design is a reminder to us to have patience. Sometimes we just need to trust that what want and seek in llife will come. Not to push things to happen. What is meant to be will be. Trust and wait patiently.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.

The mirror
People we meet in our life often are able to mirror us in some way. We may see our own actions through them, our own thought, reactions. They might be the persons reflecting back to us over own hidden behavior that we at the moment are unable to see. Like a mirror, making visible for us the things we maybe did not want to see.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.

When we have found our peace, and are able to stay in silence just by our self, we arrive into a space of serenity. A space where everything is in balance and an even euphoric feeling can appear. From this place, we might identify what we are supposed to do next which direction to go. magic just might start to happen.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.

The "Metamorphosis" design represent our life journey with personal growth. Where we slowly but steadily remove layers of habits, trauma, bahavioural patterns, and start to gain insights of who we truly are and live to that fully. We go through a transformation, a metamorphosis.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.

Story connected to this drawing will be added shortly!
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.

We are affected by different energies around us and sometimes it might be difficult to keep a balance. There is s much in our self already. Emotions, feelings.
Noise , people, surroundings, different things might have an enormous effect on us.
Be aware where you feel good and nurtured.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
Noise , people, surroundings, different things might have an enormous effect on us.
Be aware where you feel good and nurtured.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.

In life, we are so often trying to control everything around us and how we are, what we do. What if you just let
go, surrender completely, and let life show you what there is for you. Like floating in an ocean,trusting the
waters takes you where you should be.
As all my painting and drawings, there has been no control, all just borns from the unknown without any
target. Isn’t that exciting and quite magical?
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
go, surrender completely, and let life show you what there is for you. Like floating in an ocean,trusting the
waters takes you where you should be.
As all my painting and drawings, there has been no control, all just borns from the unknown without any
target. Isn’t that exciting and quite magical?
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.

The seven sisters
In certain places we might feel an attraction to something unknown but which feels so familiar. Maybe there is another dimension to life, maybe there is lives that we have lived before? How will we know?
As above, so below.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
As above, so below.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.

I can see now
after turning inwards in silence, after letting go and letting in what is to be, we are able to finally see what really is the essence of it all.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.

Story connected to this drawing will be added shortly!
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.

The ego
Story connected to this drawing will be added shortly!
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.

The Joggler
"The Joggler" is representing life with all the choices we have. Sometimes it is not clear which direction to go and we joggle with all the different options at hand, but can we stay comfortable in that space and still keep a smile on our face and feel light as a feather?
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
Ink pen, paper. 11 x 11cm. 2023.
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